Friday, January 27, 2012

Word Mosaic

    This tear drop says "I am a moron a loser-" Tyler. I Chose this as Tyler's best quote from the book he because I feel that he felt like a loser and a moron like he said in this quote. I chose a tear drop for this quote because it shows emotions. I got this quote from the book Twisted. I got this from chapter 12, page 37. This is the part in the book where Tyler's Mom told him to take the cake she made to the Milbury’s house. When Tyler took the cake to their house, he talked to Bethany, (but her mom made him stay.) Then they started to talk and he started to tell her he was so sorry for pushing her. Then he told her he was a moron and a loser. I think this quote describes how he feels around Bethany, the girl he likes.

This figure says "That depends. Do you want me to be sweet?" I thought this quote, from the book Twisted was the theme. This is because it says to me, don't be someone you’re not. Tyler said this to Bethany when they were at a party. Tyler is a sweet person that no one really wanted to talk to him until this he got arrested. But he likes Bethany so much that he is willing to change for her. So I say, don’t change the way you really are for a person that only likes you for what you did. What do you think about the issue of being yourself?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sexual Harassment

     In the book "Twisted" the main character talks about a "clothing optional" day at school. Girls at his school, wear clothing that shows too much skin. Some girls get mad when boy stare at them or don't stare at them. Well I would stare but not because I would want to but because I believe they need more clothes on their bodies. In the picture to the left this girl is dressed for "clothing optional" day. Girls, who want to dress scantily, might dress like this. As you can see this girl is showing more leg. This girl will get more attention than the girl with clothes below her.


This is how I would dress if I had to an optional day. This is because I like to wear clothes. This is one way that I express myself. Also, it’s another way I respect myself. If I don’t respect myself then who will? Boys cannot stay focus in classes if they have something better to look at besides the board. They will never learn with girls’ private parts hanging out all the time.
Sexual harassment cannot go both ways. This is because when you dress scantily, People will look at you, which means you wanted them to look at you. You can’t get mad because people only dress like that for two reasons. One reason is because; you want attention or two because you want to feel pretty. There is always at least one person that will like you for what you are wearing. This can lead to staring. But the person who wants to look pretty might not want people to stare but it’s going to happen. But what do you think about sexual harassment?