Friday, January 13, 2012

Josh Gunderson "hooked on facebook"

When Josh Gunderson came to the Carbondale High School he talked to us about the pros and cons of Social Networking. Josh was overall a great speaker. He taught the class of 2015 a lot about Facebook and other social networks. What I learned from him about Facebook is how your pictures and statuses can affect you. Also how changing your privacy on your social sites can be a big help to your life. Then he talked about how bullying can lead to suicide. Josh Gunderson's Speaking to My class and I about this has really changed the way I see social networking now.

Your pictures and statuses can affect you. This can affect you like josh said because if you put that you are home alone and your parents are gone a stranger that was watching Facebook page can break into your house or something. Also, Josh said "luckily the girl had set the alarm." If that girl didn't set it she probably could have been raped or worse, killed. Be careful what you say because also if you say " I am about to go to the park," a person that is watching your social site can follow you to the park and attack you. Josh told us about how a little girl at the age of nine, put this status on Facebook and a man kidnapped her. This was not good.
We can tie Josh's message with the book we are reading which is call "twisted." This is because in the book twist the boy named Tyler wants to kill himself because popular kids picked on him. Like Josh talked about, bullies are mean. He told us to stop the bullying because this is what can happen to people. Also the link I choose to link is a song called “Make It Stop" by Septembers Children. This song talks about how bullies pick on the "weird" kids so much that they want to kill themselves. Also it just tells the bullies to basically stop the bullying of lesbians, gays, nerds, smelly, and just the "weird" kids. Bullying is wrong. But what do you think about bullying?

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