Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religious Beliefs

     When I was little, my mom took me to church with her every Sunday morning. Every Sunday, from what I can remember, I fell asleep in church. I would always wake up with a blanket on me. As I grow older, my mom told me I had to read speeches for Easter and perform in Christmas plays. When I finally turned the age of six years old, I had to stay awake for church service. Church service was from 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock. These church hours felt like a long time to a girl at the age of six. Also, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about. The church I went to was named Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church.
     My beliefs when I was kid, shapes my current religious beliefs because of what my mom did in the past. My beliefs now are much stronger in God. His name is Jesus. His father name is God Almighty. He has other name to but two of my favorites are Alpha and Omega. Alpha means the beginning and Omega means the end. Also I do believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and every one else’s. He is my father and created the world. God also created the Holy Bible. The church I go to now is named New Birth Kingdom International Christian Church. This church I feel is a church that I can understand. My pastor and his wife bring things to an understanding for child for children and teens. The most people that come to my church are college students. This is because they understand the pastors. I truly love my church.

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