Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Childhood Temper

When I was a kid I had a temper. The way my temper tantrums went was I would get mad and hold my breath. When I held my breath I would pass out. My mom wouldn't know what to do. She would take me to the hospital to see what was really going on with me. The doctor told her I was really just having a temper tantrum. The next time I had a tantrum, my mom would spank me so I would start breathing again.
     When I grew up my mom finally told me why she spanked me. Some spankings I got were because of other tantrums I would have. Some problems I had been not getting my way. When I didn't get my way I would cry and fall out. What I mean by that is, I would fall to the floor and cry, cry, cry. But mommy didn't let that happen. My mom said "I'll give you something to cry about." But as a kid I knew when I was supposed to be quiet but she always taught me the right things for the wrong things to do. And I will always love her for it. Thanks MOM.

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