Tuesday, November 22, 2011

School Attitude

   My attitude towards school is positive. What I mean by that is I like school. In school I like to get good grades. The good grades I want are straight A's. If I get a B then I need to bring it up immediately. Getting a C is like getting an F to me. But getting an F is very horrible. Nobody should ever get an F. If an F is the very best you can do then is the best. The very best I can get is an A. I am an A+ student.
     I do think that success in your studies affects your future predictor of success later on in life. If you get bad grades such as D's on every quiz and test or homework papers then you might not do so well in college unless you change the way you really feel about school. The way I feel about writing papers will most-likely change, because every college student as to read and write. The way I feel about math will never change. This is because I like math because I like to work with numbers instead of words. Even though words are in math too sometimes there is not as much of them as in stories or papers we have to write for school. Also the way I feel about the other subjects such as History, Science, and Foreign Language is probably going to say the same I will never want to do it but I am going to have too.

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