Friday, November 4, 2011


The real definition of hero is a man distinguishing courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds or noble qualities. Hero is also known as a role model, bold, courageous, and daring. My definition of hero is a strong, fearless, and not afraid of life and to take life for granted. Also I see a hero as someone that would die for me. Being brave for someone else is a nice thing to do for somebody you love or care for dearly. Being a hero is a big thing. It's a person that someone looks up to when their down or just someone they want to be like.
     My hero is Ms. Delores Smith. She is my hero because I want to be like her when I grow up. This is because she has good things going for her. She takes care of her own. What I mean by that is she handles her own business. She also influences me as well as other to do the best that I can. My granny also encourages me to go to school and go to college. I love my granny so much.

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