Dear Readers,
My name is Malika Smith and I created this book. I am a freshman at the Carbondale Community High School . I am 15 years old. I am from Carbondale, Illinois. This poem book consists of six inspired poems. Most of the poems are inspired by poems out of the book Good Poems edited by Garrison Keillor. Also in this poem book is my favorite and least favorite poems that I wrote.
The poem I wrote that is my favorite is called “A Changed Young Lady.” This is my favorite because it talks about things that actually happen but then this amazing God comes into my life and changes me. This makes me so happy. The least favorite poem is “Florida Dreams.” This is my least favorite poem because I feel that a poem should come from experience and from the heart. This poem really did not come from my heart. I have not been anywhere really exciting to talk about so I just dreamed about where I want to go.
What I have learned about poetry in this unit is that it helps people to share their emotions. If you don’t put your feelings into the poems then it’s probably not a good one. But those poems that don’t make you take a second look don’t mean it’s not a good poem. Also that poetry has no perfect shape or way it is supposed to be written. Every poet or person who writes a poem has their own way of expressing themselves. What I learned about myself as a poet is that I can write poetry if I really apply myself to the work it takes to do so. Also I learned that maybe one day I could learn to love to write. I hope that you enjoy this poetry book!
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