Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religious Beliefs

     When I was little, my mom took me to church with her every Sunday morning. Every Sunday, from what I can remember, I fell asleep in church. I would always wake up with a blanket on me. As I grow older, my mom told me I had to read speeches for Easter and perform in Christmas plays. When I finally turned the age of six years old, I had to stay awake for church service. Church service was from 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock. These church hours felt like a long time to a girl at the age of six. Also, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about. The church I went to was named Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church.
     My beliefs when I was kid, shapes my current religious beliefs because of what my mom did in the past. My beliefs now are much stronger in God. His name is Jesus. His father name is God Almighty. He has other name to but two of my favorites are Alpha and Omega. Alpha means the beginning and Omega means the end. Also I do believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and every one else’s. He is my father and created the world. God also created the Holy Bible. The church I go to now is named New Birth Kingdom International Christian Church. This church I feel is a church that I can understand. My pastor and his wife bring things to an understanding for child for children and teens. The most people that come to my church are college students. This is because they understand the pastors. I truly love my church.


     When I was little, my family celebrated my birthday together. When I was little, we had a family dog. When I was little, my family celebrated Christmas together. For Christmas every year I would get a hat, glove, scarf set. When I grow up I want my kids to receive a set as well as other gifts under the Christmas tree for Santa. When I grow up I want my family to celebrate the holidays with me. When I grow up I want to try to carry out my family traditions.
     My family really does impact my hopes and dreams. My mom impacts my hopes and dreams by helping me to strive in everything I do. My granny influences my hopes and dreams by showing me what I can achieve if I put my mind to it. My daddy affects my hopes and dreams by telling I don’t need a boyfriend until I’m 35 years old. My daddy says this because he thinks boyfriends often lead to sex and babies and he doesn’t want grandchildren yet. Plus, he is a boy and he knows how they think. My aunt sunshine impacts my life by the way she looks. My aunt is skinny and is muscular but not too much. Also, she is a fitness trainer. She is 43+ in age. That is the way I want to look when I get her age to. This is some of the reason why I love my family.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Childhood Temper

When I was a kid I had a temper. The way my temper tantrums went was I would get mad and hold my breath. When I held my breath I would pass out. My mom wouldn't know what to do. She would take me to the hospital to see what was really going on with me. The doctor told her I was really just having a temper tantrum. The next time I had a tantrum, my mom would spank me so I would start breathing again.
     When I grew up my mom finally told me why she spanked me. Some spankings I got were because of other tantrums I would have. Some problems I had been not getting my way. When I didn't get my way I would cry and fall out. What I mean by that is, I would fall to the floor and cry, cry, cry. But mommy didn't let that happen. My mom said "I'll give you something to cry about." But as a kid I knew when I was supposed to be quiet but she always taught me the right things for the wrong things to do. And I will always love her for it. Thanks MOM.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

School Attitude

   My attitude towards school is positive. What I mean by that is I like school. In school I like to get good grades. The good grades I want are straight A's. If I get a B then I need to bring it up immediately. Getting a C is like getting an F to me. But getting an F is very horrible. Nobody should ever get an F. If an F is the very best you can do then is the best. The very best I can get is an A. I am an A+ student.
     I do think that success in your studies affects your future predictor of success later on in life. If you get bad grades such as D's on every quiz and test or homework papers then you might not do so well in college unless you change the way you really feel about school. The way I feel about writing papers will most-likely change, because every college student as to read and write. The way I feel about math will never change. This is because I like math because I like to work with numbers instead of words. Even though words are in math too sometimes there is not as much of them as in stories or papers we have to write for school. Also the way I feel about the other subjects such as History, Science, and Foreign Language is probably going to say the same I will never want to do it but I am going to have too.

Friday, November 4, 2011


The real definition of hero is a man distinguishing courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds or noble qualities. Hero is also known as a role model, bold, courageous, and daring. My definition of hero is a strong, fearless, and not afraid of life and to take life for granted. Also I see a hero as someone that would die for me. Being brave for someone else is a nice thing to do for somebody you love or care for dearly. Being a hero is a big thing. It's a person that someone looks up to when their down or just someone they want to be like.
     My hero is Ms. Delores Smith. She is my hero because I want to be like her when I grow up. This is because she has good things going for her. She takes care of her own. What I mean by that is she handles her own business. She also influences me as well as other to do the best that I can. My granny also encourages me to go to school and go to college. I love my granny so much.